
Showing posts from March, 2018



5 examples of keystones species

1. Tiger shark Tiger Shark These sharks will eat practically anything. This helps control populations of sea turtles and dugongs who may cause over gazing of the seagrass in Western Australia. Since seagrass is where fish lay their eggs, over gazing would lead to less fish. Sharks prey on the sick and weak members of other fish populations, and some also scavenge the sea floor to feed on dead carcasses. As such, their feeding habits help prevent the spread of diseases and regulate the size of fish populations. Without sharks, the whole marine ecosystem would get out of balance, as some species would overpopulate and out-compete other, possibly even driving them to extinction. 2. Parrotfish Parrotfish Parrotfish is one of the main caretakers of coral reefs. Every day this fish visits coral reefs and feeds on algae and coral branches, removing dead pieces and cleaning the coral surface. In fact, a single fish can consume up to 4,500 kg of material every year. B


. The chart above shows that the population pyramid for Afghanistan which is underdeveloped country due to the high death rates and rapidly growing fertility rates in  year  2018. Afghanistan’s population pyramid indicates it is a fast-growing country, most of the population is at youngest age group at the bottom of the pyramid. The fewer people are living  at  the older age group between 70-100+ years old which is mean that the life expectancy is quite low. In conclusion, the shape of the pyramid indicated that this is an underdeveloped country.


. Above show the population pyramid in Bangladesh 2018. Bangladesh is a low-income country located in South Asia. About 80% of its approximately 166 million inhabitants are Muslim and less than one-half live in urban areas. Its maternal mortality ratio is about 240 per 100,000 births. Bangladesh was the country with the  high percentage of the young population (below 15 years old) need to invest more in school.


         The graph population pyramid above is show population of Burundi in years 2018. The graph shows that Burundi has a much higher birth rate and lowest death rate of post-production ages. According to Central Intelligence Agent (CIA), Burundi is a landlocked, resource-poor country with an underdeveloped manufacturing sector. Agriculture accounts for over 40% of GDP and employs more than 90% of the population. The 1993-2005 civil war resulted in more than 200,000 deaths, forced more than 48,000 refugees into Tanzania, and displaced 140,000 others internally. Political stability, aid flows, and economic activity improved following the war’s end, but underlying weaknesses – low governmental capacity, a high poverty rate, poor educational levels, a weak legal system, a poor transportation network, and overburdened utilities – have prevented the implementation of planned economic reforms.


The graph above show Malaysia population chart in year 2018. Malaysia is a developing country. The Highest population for Malaysia is from the age of  0 - 4 years old, the chart show for that age population is almost 1.6 million for each gender female and male. The lowest ppulation in Malaysia start from the age of  85 - 100+ i this year. But the population for Malaysia show decreasing when the age going up. .


. The graph above shown Norway population chart in year 2018. The population is distributed along the horizontal axis with males on the left and female on the right. Norway is advance country that have a population of 5 million that consists of male and female.  The highest population in Norway is at the stage group of 25-29 which is all working adult. Next, the moderate population are at the stage group of 15-19 which is teenager and the least population of group stage are above 70-100+.  The population will grow more slowly as the number of people reaching the reproductive year is decreasing as time passes.